'Stand up for yourselves and live free!'

There are people (women) all over the world that experience domestic violence and abuse within their relationships at home or anywhere. Sadly, some relationships have ended very badly, however many people that have stood up for themselves (and their children). Stories have been shared with the world to make the media and internet users understand the seriousness about these relationships- each victim has also given advice to those in abusive relationships; which they hope will encourage them to find a better life for themselves. 

Read each summary of the story and click the link underneath to see the full story; how they coped, how the situation changed, what helped them and advice they would give to others. 

Katherine- Experienced isolation (social abuse), would not even let her be around her own children. She was married to this man who she thought loved her and decided to make the decision to leave. 

Kaz- Experienced a social and physically abusive relationship with her male partner, he would spit on her and hit her. She was "not allowed" to see any of her friends or family, at a certain stage she started to blame herself, then took control of the situation and began to get help. She was happier and felt as if she had become a better person for standing up. 

L- Experienced mental abuse from her husband, he would constantly be yelling at her after a long day at work and then be totally fine later on during the nights. L eventually gave herself some space from her husband, however, was drawn back and told that she was the wife so she must obey her husband. 

Isobel- Experienced many forms of abuse, however, she told her story on physical abuse from her husband. He would emotionally and mentally abuse Isobel and her family. She eventually started experiencing a form of financial abuse, he hid money from her. Isobel describes "I felt like a dog on a chain and I couldn't get off it." 

Donna- Experienced multiple forms of abuse, she was young when she met her husband and she eventually discovered that he was emotionally and physically abusing her. She had a child after years of being with him but became known to the fact that her life was in danger. She left him and never called the police as she was scared about his career. Donna stayed in a refuge with her kids as she only moved to Australia for him.  

Katie- Experienced emotional and sexual abuse. She was sexually assaulted three times by her boyfriend at the age of 18. While growing up she was sexually assaulted by her step-father. Katie could not leave her relationship as she was locked him and bound to him. 

--Created by Chelsea Taylor--  All Rights Reserved --
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